
Meet our new colleagues and learn more about their careers in IT

At Norteam, we strive to be the ultimate choice for B2B IT partners for Microsoft cloud services. Norteam has grown significantly recently and has added several new employees to the team. We believe this is due to the great emphasis we place on the opportunity for employee skills development. We sat down with two of Norteam's latest additions and asked some questions. Sebastian strengthens the finance department as a Business Controller and Lovisa takes on the role of Marketing Manager.

Get to know Sebastian Palomba, Business Controller

What attracted you to choose Norteam?

-I got the impression that Norteam is an exciting and ambitious company in a future-oriented industry that invests heavily, both as a company and in its employees, which captured my interest.

If you were to describe your first day at work with us using a song title, which would you choose and why?

- "First Time" with Magnus Uggla aptly describes the first day as it was filled with new impressions and things one did for the first time. With that said, it felt very easy to settle in as a newcomer thanks to all the welcoming and fantastic people at Norteam.

Talk about a common preconception others have about your profession. Would you say it's accurate?

- Square and boring, I think, is a preconceived notion about economists in general. There's probably some truth to it, but I've encountered all sorts of different people working in economics, so my experience is that it's just a preconceived notion and not a truth.

If you could have one superpower at work, which would you choose?

- Stop time – imagine how much one could accomplish in a day!

You can teleport to any place in the world, where do you go and what do you do?

- Rio de Janeiro – hanging out, swimming, and playing soccer on Copacabana Beach would have been an awesome experience.

Get to know Lovisa Billing, Marketing Manager

What made you choose Norteam?

- I was looking for a company in the B2B sector that was on an expansive growth journey, where I could use and develop my skills in growth marketing. I was specifically looking for a scale-up company – larger than a start-up but not fully established – with clear growth ambitions. When Norteam approached me, I was immediately impressed by their great corporate culture and the entrepreneurial spirit that characterizes the organization. I also thought that Norteam was really innovative in their packaging and values, which was very appealing to me. I was inspired by the opportunity to contribute to developing their brand so that it reflects these values and solutions.

What are you looking forward to in 2024 in your role as Marketing Director at Norteam?

- I am looking forward to helping Norteam increase its visibility and presence. We are committed to deepening our understanding of our target audience in order to develop our offerings and brand, so that we deliver maximum value at all levels. I am also excited to highlight our fantastic team and their expertise, but also simply that we are a really great group that has a lot of fun together!

If Norteam were an app, what three features would be absolutely essential?

- The app would definitely need to be fast and have high performance, as Norteam is an agile company that is innovative and forward-thinking. It should also offer a highly personalized experience, thus showing exactly what I am interested in because we always tailor our solutions based on our customers' needs and starting points. Finally, of course, they should have an excellent customer service and support function that is always available, whether the problem is big or small!

What is the most memorable corporate event or team-building activity you have had?

- The most memorable moment for me is undoubtedly my first trip with Norteam. Once a year, we go on a longer trip, often abroad. Most recently, we spent four days in Alicante where we enjoyed plenty of sun, beach time, fantastic food, lots of laughter, and dance moves that I will remember for a looong time!

What two things would you bring with you to a deserted island – if food and water were already provided?

- If I may include animals as things, I would definitely bring my beloved dog, Bisou. She would be great company and help me keep my spirits up when times get tough, and offer me unconditional love and cuddles. And if it's allowed, a horse would also be on my list. I love to ride and think it could help me pull logs so I can build a house and smoothly explore the island to find the most suitable place to live. If animals are not allowed, I would pack necessary medicine and maybe a book with the theme beginner’s guide to survival, thinking it's good to give oneself the best chances of survival haha!

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