

Career hero

We are convinced that employees who enjoy their work lead to good results. Therefore, we focus on our employees' development, aim high, work towards clear goals, and make sure to have fun together!

Our team

The team is the core

Our organization consists of just over forty employees. Our teams include IT support, delivery and technical consulting, as well as support functions within finance, HR, and marketing.

We place great importance on creating work environments where our employees enjoy themselves and have the opportunity to develop.

"Our success in the IT industry is directly linked to the well-being and engagement of our employees. We create work environments where IT jobs are not just about technical professional competence, but also about personal development. We strive to promote a culture where we work, compete, and have fun together! That's why we continuously invest in our staff and ensure that each individual's contribution to the company's success is reflected in their development and rewards."

Martin Norström, CEO of Norteam

Job vacancies

This is what we offer

Welcome to our office in Instrumentfabriken!

We are located in large premises of 1000 sqm in Norra Ulvsunda, just a stone's throw from Bromma Airport. We have invested in creating a workplace that is both inspiring and harmonious. That's why we have a combination of open-plan offices that encourage collaboration and quiet rooms for private conversations, as well as creative spaces for brainstorming. We like to have fun and we believe that enjoyment promotes creativity and innovation. In the office, there are opportunities to engage in a variety of activities such as sliding down a slide from our large meeting room or entertaining oneself with video games, shuffleboard, and musical instruments in our game room. In addition, there is a generous selection of snacks and beverages to keep energy levels high.


Vi tycker om att umgås tillsammans och gör det ofta via afterworks, middagar, vår årliga Norteam-gala m.m. Vi gillar också att tävla i bl.a. Go-cart, padel, musik-quiz och via vårt egna E-sportslag!


Tillgång till fullutrustat gym, kiropraktor & individuell träning med PT


Gemensam utlandsresa kombinerat med konferens en gång per år


Via bl.a. tjänstepension och föräldrapennings-tillägg.


Genom sjukförsäkring, bonus - och optionsprogram för anställda.

Images from reality

Some highlights that we remember

Hear more from the team

What's the best part of your job?


Det roligaste med mitt jobb är definitivt alla härliga människor jag har runtom mig, både kunder, leverantörer och mina kollegor. Älskar även branschen vi arbetar i som ständigt utvecklas och tvingar en att konstant blicka framåt.

Louise Ronström

IT Project Manager


Det bästa med mitt jobb är den nära dialogen som vi har mellan de olika avdelningarna. Vi arbetar tätt ihop för att uppnå bästa möjliga resultat för våra kunder. Ett stort plus är också att gymma ihop med kollegorna på lunchen i Norteams eget gym!

Patrik Nybohm

IT Operations Manager


Det bästa med att jobba på Norteam är arbetsmiljön och kommunikationen med kollegorna. Man känner sig som en del av en stor familj.

David Escobar

IT Engineer

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